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Home / Beth Kane / BK Gourd Light "A Burning Desire"

BK Gourd Light "A Burning Desire"

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Hand carved gourd sculpture, LED light included, 9.5"H x 8"W 23" Circumference



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This completely unique sculpture is made from a hard shell gourd which has been dried, hand carved, & lit with a cordless rechargeable LED light, included. Designed to be enjoyed from all sides, this complex piece includes filigree work, pyrography, carving, ink & paint. Finish is a water-based polyurethane varnish for UV protection. This gourd art sculpture can be used cordlessly as a luminary or plugged into an outlet as a continuous light source. (The light will last for up to 6 hours without a charge). LED candles are also a nice alternative light source, but DO NOT USE FLAME candles or incandescent light, as gourds are flammable. NOT for outdoor use. Care: Carefully dust with dry cloth or feather duster. The QR Code on the bottom of the gourd art base is connected to the artist's website, which provides detailed info about care, replacement lights, FAQ's, video footage of the gourd art process, the artist's philosophy on gourd art, etc.