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Home / Stained Glass (JT) / JT Stained Glass box brown rays

JT Stained Glass box brown rays

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Stained glass box measures 3" x 4" x 1.5"



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A variety of natural brown and amber stained glass combine to create the lid of this fabulous stained glass trinket box. Pale golden brown blended with white, textured deep brown glass and a blend of amber and golden honey combine in a pattern of rays extending from a hidden hinge. The rays extend beyond the edge of the box creating a natural lip. The colors are highlighted by light reflecting from the mirror base back through the lid. The sides are clear bevels.

The box measures 3" x 4" x 1.5". The lid is held in place by a hidden hinge. A steel chain keeps the lid from flopping backwards. The box is creating using the copper foil method of stained glass construction. The solder is polished in its natural silver state. Rubber feet keep the box from sliding or damaging your furniture.