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Home / Stained Glass (JT) / JT Stained Glass box 4x4x2 pale blue diamonds

JT Stained Glass box 4x4x2 pale blue diamonds

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Two shades of pale blue glass in diamond, triangle and other geometric shapes form the lid of this hand crafted contemporary stained glass box which would be fabulous for holding anything from jewelry to golf tees. The clear bevel sides and mirror base encourage light to reflect though the lid. The lid is created with 2 clear bevel diamonds, pale blue textured translucent glass and white with blue wispy glass.

The box measures 4" x 4" x 2".

The lid is held in place by an invisible hinge. Steel chain prevents it from falling backwards. Rubber squares are adhered to the base to prevent the box from sliding on your table top.

Created using the copper foil method of stained glass construction. The solder on this box is left in its natural silver-ish state.